the daily

Old Testament

Grow your faith daily by hearing the Scriptures.

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

Romans 10:17

The latest from The Daily OT

What is this all about?

A number of years ago I launched a website called The Listening Plan to help people in the church I pastor engage with the New Testament more regularly. The Listening Plan was based upon the simple idea that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

For most Christians throughout history—and even many today—reading was not possible. Not only were printed Scriptures largely unavailable, but most people were illiterate. Therefore, understanding of the Scriptures came primarily through teaching, or hearing the Scriptures read. Of course, we (living in the 21st century West) live in a much more literate culture. But that doesn’t really mean that people spend much more time reading. Thus, if you think, as I do, that Christians should read the Bible regularly, this is a problem.

The Listening Plan was meant to address this issue by making daily Bible listening a little bit easier, by delivering a chapter a day of New Testament listening to subscribers, in the form of an email or podcast episode. And it just so happened that there are as many chapters in the New Testament, as there are weekdays in a year (260, if you’re wondering).

Since launching The Listening Plan in 2015 I’ve been happy to see thousands of people subscribe, and begin the daily practice of listening to the Scriptures. But, The Listening Plan is only for the New Testament. There are 929 chapters of Scripture that precede the New Testament, in the Old Testament. Enter The Daily OT.

The Daily OT is meant to fill the gap that The Listening Plan left. But it is a significantly larger undertaking. The Listening Plan covers 260 chapters by dropping an episode every weekday for a year. The Daily OT will delivers a chapter of Old Testament audio every day for 929 consecutive days.